Recent Projects (see below for sample work):
* Assess the level of CUSTOMER SATISFACTION
Interviewed key stakeholders about their level of satisfaction, including determining key criteria for deciding whether a product/service adds value, and discovering new areas of value.
For recently deployed SOFTWARE/SERVICES, interviewed key stakeholders to determine the ROI for a variety of newly deployed products/methodologies/services by interviewing stakeholders about costs and benefits:
- ERP/Enterprise Management/Business Intelligence Tools (SAP, Peoplesoft, Business Objects, etc)
- Managed Network Services
- Project Management Tools
- Network/Systems Management Tools
- Call Center Management Tools
- Desktop Management Tools
- Desktop Deployment/Management Services
- Wireless Device Deployment/Management Services for recently deployed HARDWARE:
- GIS Mapping Tools
- Voice and Data Processing Applications and Management Tools
- Security Solutions
- Server Consolidation
- High End Servers
- Mainframes
- Wireless Access Equipment
- Point of Sale Systems
- Switches/Routers
- Network Computing Devices
* Determined BREAKEVEN POINTS for where it makes more sense to use various technology, such as high-end Servers versus entry-level Mainframes. ROI/TCO Models that are built around breakeven data that I've gathered/developed are used by top consulting companies and top vendors. Types of metrics include typical costing points, as well as indirect and difficult to measure "opportunity costs" and "productivity changes".
* Investigated VENDORS' Product Offerings and Performed Interviews with Vendor Reference Accounts for clients considering various hardware and web-based services. Metrics measured include costs and risks of implementation, as well as detailed qualitative aspects.
* Determined ITIL MATURITY LEVELS of User Companies for Software Vendors and Device Manufacturers that want to illustrate to potential customers how their applications have helped companies climb the maturity stack.
* Assessed TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Wireless Core Network Requirements: assessed the technical requirements for a core network architecture.
* Performed "TECHNOLOGY OUTREACH" for upcoming technology introduction for Project Management Tool...contacted stakeholders to introduce a new project and walk them through the process.
Contact: Terra Friedrichs, Interviewer & Project Manager
terraf @ compuserve (dot) com
978 808 7173 (cell)
978 266 2778 (office)
Interviews performed / data and metrics gathered for the following sample case study/white papers:
HP Insight Control (Server/System Management)
CA Project and Portfolio Management (PPM)
Riverbed Steelhead WAN Optimization (bandwidth/network)